“interact” with relevant information and sources. The Interactive Infographic related to this competence includes educational videos, quizzes, digital breakouts and WebQuests that are embedded in an Infographic. The infographic is presented as a poster with QR codes that lead to the development of related skills such as: discussing ways to network when considering venture capital; discussing the importance of networking; developing a VC strategy for your own business. Sources & references (https://elearning.8percent.eu/) Training resource title The development of Rapid Experimentationcompetence RE-II-01 Duration (min) 120 min Training resource type Interactive infographic Knowledge to be gained o Basic knowledge of the ‘Rapid Experimentation’ process. o Basic knowledge of the importance of getting to the market as quickly as possible. How to use this training resource The Interactive Infographic consists of learning materials aimed to support potential entrepreneurs, innovative entrepreneurs, and employees who are trying to build their key competences in relation to Rapid Experimentation, to “interact” with relevant information and sources. The Interactive Infographic related to this competence includes educational videos, quizzes, digital breakouts and WebQuests that are embedded in an Infographic. The infographic is presented as a poster with QR codes that lead to the development of related skills such as: defining ‘Rapid Experimentation’; evaluating reasons why a business would decide to go to the market as quickly as possible; engaging in a debate around functionality and early market entry; examining case studies of successful early market entry; listing lessons learned from the case studies presented; researching to identify products or services in the marketplace that are in prototype stage. Sources & references (https://elearning.8percent.eu/) Training resource title The development of Rapid Experimentationcompetence RE-II-02 Duration (min) 120 min Training resource type Interactive infographic Knowledge to be gained o Factual knowledge of developing a prototype of the innovation. o Factual knowledge of the importance of testing the prototype at early stages of development. 50